Intro Blog

Hello, my name is Renato Corrales. I'm a sophomore at Fort Lauderdale High. I'm Italian and Peruvian. I was raised and born in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I was born on January 28, 2008, and I'm an Aquarius. I got one mom one dad and one brother. I first went to Bayview Elementary, and a lot of the happiest memories I have were made there. I then went to Sunrise Middle where I met some great teachers and met a lot of the friends I have now. And finally, I am now at Fort Lauderdale High School. Some things I like to do are swim, play video games, and get sturdy. Some things I don't like are essays, spicy food, and scary movies. My favorite subject is math, it's always been due to the objectivity of the subject, and no "multiple right answers". My least favorite subject is English, because like before "essays" and the "there is no wrong answer" part. Some academic achievements of mine are getting straight A's since 6th grade, getting 1st in the foreign language contest, and 5's on all my exams plus B's on my AICE. (and c in gen paper). The sport I do is swimming, I've been doing it since 5 and have learned to love it. It has its ups and downs, but the sport overall helps benefit physically like my body and mentally like my time management. Some academic goals of mine for this year are to be able to maintain my straight A's, finish my AICE this year but a 5 on my AP Pre Calc, and able to participate in more community service. My dream college would be able to go to Oxford University. Something I love to be fortunate to do is travel. I have been able to go to places like London, New York, LA, and Paris and this winter will be able to go to 5 countries in Europe. Some favorite things about me are my favorite color is blue, my favorite season is winter, and my favorite food is steak. 


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