Production Blog Continuation
Hello, it's Renato Corrales, welcome back to my blog. For this blog, I will be talking about the other photos and videos I am thinking of choosing for my commercial. To continue with my commercial, I want to put 2 more photos, a video, and a song. For my song, I thought about putting the song September, sticking originally to what I wanted to do in the planning process. I thought it correlates to me by being a song that I grew up with so it seems reasonable to put. I also was thinking the song would be appropriate I've been listening to it recently again cause it's September.
Additionally, I started thinking of something that I like to do. It then hit me that I love to travel, I've been to many places since I was young. So I decided to put a photo of one of me in a recent place I've been in, New York. I thought putting a photo like this would correlate well with me showing my love to travel and somewhere symbolic lots of people would recognize.
For my final photo, I thought it had to be of me swimming. Swimming is the sport that takes up most of my day whether it is practice after or before school, so it seemed reasonable. I decided to choose a photo of me swimming in one of my favorite races. This race I ended up coming first with a decent time so it's a nice memory I have. I thought a photo would be for the commercial correlated to me since it's something I enjoy and constantly always do.
For my video, I thought of putting one of me again that I was having a good time. I thought instantly of my dance back in 2021 where I had such a fun time with my friends. I am still trying to edit and figure out the video from that dance to be used for the commercial. Overall the decision and process of choosing the photos, videos, and song has been made. Now it will be time to move to editing and inserting all into one commercial and figuring out the whole process of it.
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