Production Blog

Hello, it's Renato Corrales back with the third blog. This is going to be the first blog of four for my commercial. To start my commercial, I am thinking of putting 5 photos and a video that correlates to me and my life. Additionally, a song in the background that relates to me. For my first two photos, I was thinking about putting a photo of me and my friends. I wrote about this in my research and planning blog on the impact I thought friends have on people. When looking for certain photos of my friends I first thought of my friend group from middle school. This friend group consists of my closest friends. I think this photo represents us having a good time, something that I like to remember about my friends. It correlates to me cause when I'm happy a lot of times I'm with them.

Another photo I chose to do for my commercial is another one of a friend who is important to me. This photo is of me and Michael, we have been friends since kindergarten. I think this photo fits well in the correlation between me and the importance of friends since Michael has always been there for me. Michael has always been such a good friend and I've known him since forever. Cause of this, I thought it would make sense to put him in here since he correlates to me with being in my life so much and impacting it.

For my next photo, I was thinking of putting on a photo of me and my brother, Francesco. Me and my brother are only a year and a half apart so we are pretty close. I thought putting a photo of us would correlate to me since he is my family and we always do everything together. In the photo, he is crying and I'm the one standing awkwardly. I thought this would be a funny photo representing our relationship, but overall correlates with my brother being important to my life.


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