
Hello, it's Renato Corrales back with another blog. I will be reflecting on the past project that was done for my commercial. In the process of creating a commercial about myself using the CapCut app, I had the chance to learn about new technologies. Firstly, I got to learn the basics of video editing. This included how to trim my videos, add transitions, and overlay with captions. Capcut made this process easy so I had the chance to also experiment and learn with some other features such as special effects and sound quality. And finally, I was able to learn the importance of optimizing my video and audio quality overall for a professional-looking end product of a commercial. Putting this project together, taught the values of planning and organization. I was able to grasp the well-balanced workflow was very important for a successful project. It became clear to me that managing my time was something I had to prioritize in this project when it came to deadlines and due dates. In doing so, it would help in being able to work on my project efficiently and without as much stress. And lastly, maintaining a creative mindset throughout the project helped me ensure that my commercial was engaging and original. To make this project even better, I think there are different aspects I can work on. I first thought I could improve on my storytelling. Making a better order or story of my photos and videos can help captivate viewers better. I also plan to improve my editing techniques. I want to also enhance my visual and audio elements. Doing so would help further make better-quality videos. In conclusion, this experience with Capcut has been educational and enjoyable. It's clear that technology has made video production more easier than before, and with more projects like these, I look forward to improving my skills and producing even better projects in the future.


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