Research and Planning Blog

  Hello, it's Renato Corrales back with the second blog. Today I'll be presenting talking about photos and a song that correlates to me for my commercial. One photo at the top of the screen is of me and my friend Austin. I chose this photo as a correlation to me cause of how important friends are to me. I think this photo is a good representation of one my good friendships I have. Austin has been my friend since you can say Elizabeth was queen. He doesn't go to the same high school as me but we still are very close. I think friends are important to have as friendship helps enrich our lives by having shared experiences. Through my friends, I'm able to gain valuable perspectives and find comfort in times of adversity making life more fun and meaningful. When thinking about myself, I came to the conclusion of using a photo of swimming as another part of my commercial. Since a young age, I have done swimming and it has become a big part of my life now. Swimming is something I think about whether it be during school or before going to bed, in general swimming has done a lot for me as being a place to forget the stresses I have. In addition, it has brought physical fitness, mental well-being, and social connection to my life. A final photo I have chosen to do is legos. Once again, it's something I have liked since I was a kid. I chose this cause legos hold a lot of places in my early childhood memories and have been the reason behind things I like to do today. Due to Legos, my creativity has grown so much, and my love for design was built from it too. Finally, a song I would put is the song September by Earth, Wind, and Fire. Again a song that I grew up with but for silly reasons listen to more often in the month of September. Since it's September it's been on my mind recently and overall is a song that makes me happy. Those are the photos and songs that I think would go best for my commercial to represent me.


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