Beginning of filming

Hello it's me Renato Corrales back with another blog. Today I'll be talking about the commencing of our filming for our opening sequence to our movie. Today me and my group member Conner filmed a few scenes for our "training" scene as well as a few dialogue scenes. Finn and Isahiah were currently unavailable for the weekend, so me and Conner decided to film some scenes with only our characters included. Conner first came over to my neighborhood, sunrise intercostal, with some of his equipment. This included some microphones for our audio to be easily heard throughout the film. He also brought a drone which would come in later use for our training scene. We first started with going to my neighborhood looking for a safe area to film. The plan was to have Conner use the drone to film me running, showing my character training for the fight. We could also simultaneously cover many shots for our film such as aerial shot, pan shot and establishing shot. There were a few trial and errors that occurred throughout the process such as forgetting the sim card for the drone. Once retrieving the sim card, we also had the obstacle of controlling the drone, but quickly were able to adapt and learn how to utilize it. Once filming began, we tried many attempts of different angles, such as the drone starting on the sky and following me running, or the drone beginning behind me, rising and showing me running to the distance. We got a few more attempts and reviewed the shots that we got. We then came to back to my house and proceeded to fill some scenes, there such as the scene where Renato is first introduced. When first introduced, my character will be turning off the TV, transitioning from the news report to Renato in his couch. We also filmed in my cars at in my front yard. These scenes were for the dialogue scenes of Renato preparing and telling Isahiah he is ready to make a comeback. Other than that we shot multiple times and loads of footage was able to successfully be made. Conner and I called it a day after a few hours, and looked ahead for the next filming and which scenes we could do. 


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