Transitoning towards editing

Hello, my name is Renato Corrales and I'm back with another blog. Today I'll be talking about the search and editing process of our project. When looking at the music video itself, our group came to the conclusion that our scenes were set. We looked at a total of 11 scenes and added up the seconds. We came to around the 1 minute 5 seconds mark, and with 2 more scenes, it would add up right to the limit of our video. We originally had wanted to try and film maybe 1 more but realized it would be best to start editing. We also noted that in the song, "God's Plan" the song around the 1 minute 11 mark isn't that just abruptly end. It is a verse that is also at the end of the song, thus would be a good fadeaway to end our music video. When noting this we wanted to find software that could edit the transitions in our scenes, transition in sound, and sync our song well to our scenes. When it came to researching about a software called, Capcut, this didn't take much time. It is a previous app used by most of my group for their past projects. Capcut we would all be familiar with and is simple. It has different features such as music sound effects, and text, which we need for our video. When looking at other software, we came across IMovie. This editing app is used across IOS devices, something the whole group thus makes easy to access. It has more professional templates and themes than Capcut and advanced audio editing features which could help our video look better. It also has the same as Capcut as title and credits so that would be helpful however this app is not as common with all of us and the "professionality" of the app might be too much for the theme we want our music video to have, fun and light-hearted. Other than that that would be the main obstacle to overcome. When it came to the order of our scenes, we had exactly which ones go first. We also have the exact number of seconds each scene lasts and lines up with lyrics and already have a vision of our text at the beginning. 


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